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White Papers: Media research, licensing and copyright news
Is plagiarsim flattering?
Following our recent White Paper on when you can include 'incidental' copyright content and copyright-free use of an 'artistic work'
- we turn our attention to what constitutes 'plagiarism'
Published 9th October 2016 by Richard Philpott
COPYRIGHT - woops?!?
Recent legal rulings have clarified (and muddied) when you can
a) include copyright content as 'incidental'
b) include content as not being an 'artistic work'
- what does this mean for you?
Published by Richard Philpott
TEXT - spelling out clearances
The UK government is changing the law to permit a copyright exception for quotation
But is it all that it seems?
Published by Richard Philpott
Parody - it's a RIGHTs larf!
The UK is about to make a copyright exception for use of unlicensed assets in parodies.
It will affect licesors and licensees
Published by Richard Philpott
Get Animated!
The world is in motion! NOTHING STOPS, 24/7 – but print?
Print has moved online and is now moving too!
Viewers of all ages now expect motion content - and animation may be your most effective means to achieve it.
Published by Richard Philpott
Sound Again – the echo of music rights
The term of copyright protection for sound recordings and performers' rights is now set at 70 years throughout Europe
BUT - it isn't that simple (of course)!
Published by Richard Philpott
Yet more Orphans
The EU Directive on Certain Permitted Uses of Orphan Works
When a 'diligent search just won't wash
Published by Richard Philpott
Exploring the Musical Jungle
how to negotiate the labyrinthine world of music clearances
Published by Richard Philpott
Let's all do the Copyright Hub?
The land grab for the future of copyright clearances proceeds with ever-increasing lack of clarity...
We take a look at some of the bear traps now being prepared for you.
Published by Richard Philpott
When the Right image is Wrong...
- making the right image acceptable
- Middle-East compliance: being prepared
- making a dummy/mock-up
Published by Richard Philpott
Who owns YOUR pictures?
a brief introduction to the shady world of rights trading and rights grabbing
Published by Richard Philpott
When Rights go Wrong
A salutory lesson on what to expect if you use a copyright asset without a license
(intended or not).
Is publishing a dislaimer a good idea?
Will offering payment of a 'reasonable fee' to a claimant resolve the licence claim?
Published by Richard Philpott
Digital Economy, Copyright and You
The UK Digital Economy Bill is seen by many image producers as a free-for-all in the copyright / intellectual property market – but how is it likely to affect you: publishers, broadcasters, museums and corporate communicators?
Published 7th December 2012 by Richard Philpott
Illustration (and ©) pitfalls
Copyright in work 'inspired' by / based on work by a third party.
Are you working inside the law?
Published 1st December 2012 by Richard Philpott
Orphan Works – new parents?
The last few months have seen an increasing interest of national and international legislators with regards to what to do with orphan works and how to make it simpler to exploit them for all those purposes that do not fall under the fair dealing exceptions.
Published 1st December 2012 by Richard Philpott
Zooid race to Olympic Gold
In the year of the London Olympics, Zooid again bucks the trend, declines participation in the much-advocated recession, and offers more growth and success for our Clients
Published 10th January 2012 by Richard Philpott
Getting the Picture – the Interactive Museum
Increasing visitor footprint, responsiveness to the community and integration into the schools curriculum are all key to a Mueum's success and it's bid for funding.
Photographs, footage, illustration, animations etc. all contribute to the vitality of an exhibition and broaden the relevance of collections and their objects, enabling curators to tell the full story.
Zooid provides the key to unlock these treasures.
Published 12th December 2009 by Richard Philpott
Outsourcing, Offshoring & Outlaws
Outsourcing has long since lost any stigma.
Offshoring also lost its stigma but seems to have worked hard to get it back again!
Outlaws exist everywhere - beware!
This white paper provides a brief overview of how some publishers got caught up a fast river without a paddle when exploring exotic new territory. Happily the turnaround is all downstream to calmer waters!
Published 10th September 2009 by Richard Philpott
Legacy & Integrity
Having looked at Orphan Works and Due Diligence in earlier white papers (below), you now want a working practice that resolves copyright and licensing issues and ensures that you are not unnecessarily exposed to risk of costly claims, legal battles or even the injunction or pulping of a product!
In short, you need a policy to care for your huge legacy of Intellectual Property, to prevent bottlenecks that will prevent you from exploiting your content in the long term.
Published 10th September 2009 by Richard Philpott
Demonstrating Due Diligence
Not only are orphans finding homes, but you also now need to make sure you have passports for them. "Due diligence" is changing. Will your methodology be accepted by a court?
Is it economic for you to demonstrate due diligence? What are the alternatives? Is 'Fair Use" (in the USA) or 'Fair Dealing (in the UK) a fair cop?
Published 23rd September 2009 by Richard Philpott
Taking Care of Orphans
Introduced in the paper © COPYRIGHT is changing (below) and updated here.
- When to work with Orphans
- Changes in law and perception
- How to manage your orphanage
Published 28th August 2009 by Richard Philpott
© COPYRIGHT is changing
Intellectual Property (IP) is undergoing a thorough review in both the US and the UK (who are taking a lead in Europe). This has significant impications for our clients and the management of their licensing. Naturally, we have prepared a paper to identify some key elements which you can download here.
Published 23rd March 2009 by Richard Philpott